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Know the Difference Between Stress and Anxiety?


Know the Difference Between Stress and Anxiety?

Stress is any event which causes you to feel panicked, nervous, antsy or pressured.  In fact, stress is designed to keep us safe. It is a natural way of us dealing with situations which make us feel uncomfortable.  What’s more, there is something known as eustress which is a positive type of stress and is something we need to help keep us motivated and trying our best at life.

Anxiety is when the stress continues beyond its natural path.  Imagine you are stuck down a well and it’s raining heavily. That stress is designed to keep you alive, make you alert and hopefully help you find a way to get out.  Once you’re out of the well, the stress will naturally subside.

Anxiety is when you continue to feel anxious about the event even though the event is over.  A severe reaction may cause you to have panic attacks when you see or hear heavy rain falling. It might be that you become claustrophobic in small spaces.

Left unchecked, this kind of behaviour can rapidly spread to other aspects of your life, leading to depression and other anxiety-related disorders.

Do you find it hard to handle stress?  Or do you feel anxious a lot of the time?

Anxiety is TREATABLE and the sooner you seek help the better.

Contact me for a free consultation and start getting your life back on track naturally.


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