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10 Reasons Why You Need To Choose Health To Survive The Festive Period


10 Reasons Why You Need To Exercise To Survive The Festive Season

Do you choose health?  Most people take up exercise because they want to lose weight or tone up and these are valid reasons to start exercising. BUT! Exercise is also important for our mental health.  I encourage every anxiety patient who walks thru my door to exercise. WHY? Because exercise is one of the best and cheapest natural stress busters out there!
Yes, exercise takes discipline and yes it can be hard work, but that’s what gets our feel-good hormones rip roaring through our bodies!


“The reasons I exercise is for the quality of life I enjoy.”  Kenneth H. Cooper, American Soldier

Do you choose health?

Ultimately, whether you exercise or not, boils down to CHOICE. What’s more important to you? Do you choose to lie in bed an extra 30 minutes and risk disease or do you choose health and feel like a million dollars? And, BTW, not having enough time for exercise is as lame an excuse as they come. We all have the same 24 hours in the day. Use them productively and you’ll find the time to exercise.

10 reasons to choose health this festive season:

So why make exercise a priority?
✨The festive season is nearly upon us. Stress levels can go through the roof in the countdown to Christmas and this is proven by the spike in suicide and divorce rates shortly after the New Year kicks off.
✨Exercise helps to beat stress and anxiety. When we are working out, we’re pumping oxygen and blood around our bodies. Oxygen and blood are full of life-giving nutrients that we need to live our best lives. It basically eats up the stress hormones that we flood our bodies with all too often.
✨You want to look and feel good in your skin for the time of year when most photos are taken and family and friends finally carve out the time to get together.
✨Exercise makes us feel great! When we exercise our brain releases a chemical called dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter concerned with the pleasure centre of the brain. Dopamine helps us to find the motivation to make exercise a regular activity.
✨Exercise gets our hearts pumping and increases our rate of breathing.  As a consequence it floods our bodies with the nutrients we need to stay healthy. And when we’re healthy, we feel happier, and when we’re happier, we tend to have more energy.
✨Sleep is improved because exercise helps us to cope with stressors more easily and a relaxed mind will sleep more deeply.
✨Exercise boosts your confidence. Your confidence will soar when you are happy in your own skin.
✨Exercise gives you mental as well as physical strength. It boosts your sense of self-esteem and creates an inner confidence in your ability to live your best life. It makes you shine from the inside out.
✨Exercise makes your muscles do what nature intended. Do you have any idea of the amount of people who tweak their backs, picking up a pen off the floor?
✨Exercise could well prolong your life and will cut down on your health care costs. Regular exercise can help prevent heart disease, cancer, diabetes 2, obesity, osteoporosis, arthritis and more. Prevention is better than cure.
“To enjoy the glow of good health, you must exercise.”  Gene Tunney, American Athlete

Festive season or not, isn’t it time to choose health?

So, what are you waiting for?
I’m running a 21-day health and fitness challenge to get you prepped and party beautiful for the festive season.
You’ll get 30-minute workouts, nutrition advice, flexible food plans, healthy holiday recipes and tricks and tips on how to survive the food and drink onslaught, plus access to a fun, private Facebook group to keep you on track, motivated and accountable.
If you need help to get started, head over to my Facebook business page and send me a PM or leave me a comment below.
There is no time like the present. Why not give yourself the gift of health this Christmas?  Choose health.

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