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The Healthy Benefits You Need To Know About Bentonite Clay
Bentonite Clay: why every health guru needs it in their closet! I recently mentioned me using Bentonite clay in helping get through a tummy upset. In fact, it’s something I use regularly to maintain healthy gut health – and as around 80% of our immune system is found...

9 Simple Ways to Eat Clean and Save Money
9 Simple Ways to Eat Clean and Save Money Ever since I became more aware of how to eat clean and fuel my body with most of the GOOD stuff, I’ve had resistance from people saying that it costs more to eat healthily. You know what? It can do, but if you organise...

16 Super Easy Ways to Help Your Teen Cope With Exams
Help Your Teen Cope With Exams My teen is hurting and I would love to write a very strong curse word here to vent my frustration at God, the Universe and the blooming clock – anyone and anything will do right now. My daughter has been working her socks off for...

Why You Need To Boost Up With Refeed Days
Why You Need To Boost Up With Refeed Days If you workout regularly or if you follow one of my favourite workout programmes you’ll have heard of refeed days. It’s when you specifically increase your calories for one day by eating refined carbs to rebuild your energy...

How to Easily Boost your Immune System Health
How to Easily Boost your Immune System Health What do you think of first when it comes to supporting your immune system? Do you think of: Adding vitamins to your diet? Getting more sleep? How to eat clean? Trying to stress less? You may be aware that it’s a...

How to Recognize Emotional Eating and Proven Strategies to Help
How to Recognise Emotional Eating and Proven Strategies to Help How many times have you eaten something for another reason other than because you were hungry? I’d hazard a guess at quite often. I’ve done it too. I’m bored, so I eat. I’m stressed, so I eat. I’m...

4 Simple Ways To Get The Most Out Of Your Rest Day
4 Simple Ways To Get The Most Out Of Your Rest Day When we’re following a workout programme, particularly if we’re relatively new to exercising, it’s important to schedule in a rest day to allow our body to fully recover. And that rest day really should be a day of...

Know the Difference Between Stress and Anxiety?
Know the Difference Between Stress and Anxiety? Stress is any event which causes you to feel panicked, nervous, antsy or pressured. In fact, stress is designed to keep us safe. It is a natural way of us dealing with situations which make us feel uncomfortable. ...

How to make your insides pHabulously clean, lean and healthy
How to make your insides pHabulously clean, lean and healthy Are you acid or alkaline? Have you ever considered that you might be able to influence the pH balance of your body? What's more, did you know your body actually has a pH balance? And what the heck is a pH...

Do You Know Why You Need To Prioritize Sleep?
Do You Know Why You Need To Prioritize Sleep? A good night's sleep is so vital to our health, because it's during our Zs hours that our bodies get on with a long list of inner housework and when you're sleep deprived, your bod misses out on enough time to repair...

5 Powerful Reasons To Be Part Of A Successful Community
5 Powerful Reasons To Be Part Of A Successful Community I wanted to write a post about the benefits of belonging to a successful community of like-minded people. We often hear the word “solopreneur”, but when you learn the background of that person, you’ll find...

How You Need Exercise To Be Your Best And Vibrant You
How you need exercise to be your best and vibrant you There are lots of great reasons to exercise. Your physical body gets conditioned and fit. What's more, your heart gets healthier and it helps you keep the weight off. But exercise is so much more! It keeps your...

How To Stay Sane At Christmas: 22 tips you need to know
How to Stay Sane at Christmas The festive season is upon us again and you need to have a strategy to help you stay sane at Christmas. Tis the season of goodwill to all men and you’re in the holiday spirit, enjoying office parties and deciding what tasty treats...

5 Healthy Reasons To Boost Your Day With Lemon Water
5 Healthy Reasons To Boost Your Day With Lemon Water Do you love lemons? I use lemons, not only in my drinks, but in my cooking too. I start every day off with a pint of lemon water. Why? Because it's EXCELLENT for my good health. When you join a health and fitness...

My Top 6 Smoothie Boosters You Need to Use Every Day
My Top 6 Smoothie Boosters Most of us take little convincing of the benefits of adding a daily smoothie to our diet to boost our immune systems and keep us healthy and functioning well. I’ve recently added a daily dose of dense nutrition to my diet consisting of a...

10 Reasons Why You Need To Choose Health To Survive The Festive Period
10 Reasons Why You Need To Exercise To Survive The Festive Season Do you choose health? Most people take up exercise because they want to lose weight or tone up and these are valid reasons to start exercising. BUT! Exercise is also important for our mental health. I...

How To Stay Fit and Healthy by NOT Exercising
How to Stay Fit and Health by NOT Exercising Over exercising can harm us. If you follow me on social media, you’ll know that I’m all about keeping fit and healthy to live our best lives. However, I’m also a proponent of life balance. The 80/20 rule works. Try and...

Power Up Your Happiness With A Positive Environment
Power up your Happiness with a Positive Environment How important is our environment to our mental health? I woke up this morning to such a pretty view across the countryside. The sky was lit up with swathes of ethereal pinks and blues. The grass was covered in tiny...

5 Powerful Reasons To Be Part of a Successful Community
5 Powerful Reasons to be Part of a Successful Community I wanted to write a post about the benefits of being part of a community of like-minded people. We often hear the word “solopreneur”, but when you learn the background of that person, you’ll find they’re part of...

6 Reasons Why You Need To Take Rest Days and Avoid Injury
6 Reasons Why You Need To Take Rest Days And Avoid Injury Do you ever feel guilty when you have rest days? I do, kind of, although I know they’re such an important part of the whole keeping fit and healthy process. I think I probably miss the happy hormones which I...

7 Reasons Why I LOVE Exercising Barefoot
7 Reasons Why I LOVE Exercising BAREFOOT You may wonder if I always exercise barefoot and the answer is generally yes, unless I’m walking or running on a road or thorny rural pathway. Below are 7 reasons why I love exercising with no shoes and socks: 1. Barefooting...

How Mindset Can Help You Live With The Pain of Grieving
How Mindset Can Help You Live With The Pain of Grieving A good friend of mine is grieving having recently lost his mother after a year-long battle with cancer and he is now faced with the unbearable pain of her loss. I lost my father to cancer more than a decade ago...

EFT Tapping Mini Series: Learn How to Challenge Resistance and Create Powerful Change
Mini Series: EFT Tapping - Learn How to Challenge Resistance and Create Powerful Change Hi and welcome to the EFT Tapping: Learn How to Challenge Resistance and Create Powerful Change. This is the sixth part of my tapping mini-series. In this tapping meditation,...

About the Truth of Authentic Love: What Is It?
How do we know what true, authentic love looks like? How do we know when we truly love someone, or are truly loving? Love comes in many guises, yet true love boils down to a simple concept: true love ENHANCES life. True love is generous, expansive, freeing and...

EFT Tapping Mini Series: How To Empower Your Voice in Your Relationships
Mini Series: EFT Tapping - How To Empower Your Voice In Your Relationships Hi and welcome to the EFT Tapping: How To Empower Your Voice In Your Relationships. This is the fifth part of my tapping mini-series. In this tapping meditation we’re going to release...

EFT Tapping: Mini Series Create Supreme Self-Confidence
Mini Series: EFT Tapping Create Supreme Self-Confidence Hi and welcome to the EFT Tapping Meditation: Create Supreme Self-Confidence. This is the fourth part of my tapping mini-series. In this tapping meditation you will explore the real fears that underlie a...

EFT Tapping: Mini Series Financial Abundance
Mini Series: EFT Tapping Financial Abundance Hi and welcome to the EFT Tapping Meditation Attracting Financial Abundance. This is the third part of my tapping mini-series. In this tapping meditation you will explore how self-limiting beliefs about money are set up...

Mini Series: EFT Tapping When A Relationship Ends
Mini Series: EFT Tapping 'When A Relationship Ends' Hi and welcome to the EFT Tapping Mini Series. This is the second part of my tapping mini-series and focuses on removing the emotional sting of when a relationship ends. If you're just learning about tapping and...

Mini Series: EFT Tapping Introduction
Mini Series: EFT Tapping Introduction Hi and welcome to the EFT Tapping Introduction. This is the first part of my tapping mini-series and as well as providing you with a short EFT Tapping Introduction, we’ll also be doing a practice run together focussing on...

Sleep During Divorce in 13 Easy Steps
Sleep During Divorce in 13 Easy Steps Sleep is the cornerstone of good health. It’s nearly as vital as breathing. Without it our systems begin to fail and we lose our ability to think clearly and creatively. However, sleep during divorce can be a difficult thing to...

Divorce Anxiety: 11 Top Fears and How to Overcome Them
Divorce Anxiety: 11 Top Fears and How to Overcome Them Divorce anxiety is painfully real. When you’re considering a divorce, the rollercoaster ride of emotions you experience can leave you feeling confused, exhausted and paralysed with fear. I remember realising...

7 Reasons When Divorcing Is The Better Option
7 reasons when divorcing is the better option I was recently standing in a queue in a shop overhearing a woman who was berating her husband for myriad sins. One of his sins was that he was encouraging her to get fit by hiring her a personal trainer, apparently...

Unboxing The Fear of Success: How To Blitz It For Good
Unboxing the fear of success: how to blitz it for good The fear of success - I think I have it. I recently published an article called the Fear of Failure and 14 Ways to Turn Your Fear into Your Advantage. It was an article I enjoyed writing, because as I’ve...

EFT Tapping: What it is and how you can use it
EFT Tapping: What it is and how you can use it EFT Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique) is a practice which combines the treatment of the physical and emotional aspects of an individual. By tapping on specific acupressure points around the body while at the same...

Fear of failure: 14 ways to turn failure into your advantage
Fear of failure: 14 ways to turn failure into your advantage The fear of failure The fear of failure is called atychiphobia. I like to refer to it as “a titchy phobia”, because it helps to remove some of the importance we attach to this debilitating fear. Failure...

The Intolerance of Tolerance
The Intolerance of Tolerance Tolerance. What does tolerance really mean? When you take a closer look at the word it implies tolerance is when you are tolerant of something you find intolerable. In fact, the word tolerance is a paradox, because it means tolerating...

What Happens When You Meet Your Soulmate … and beyond
What happens when you meet your soulmate and beyond Have you ever met someone who you just “got” and who “got” you instanteously? The eye contact, the touch, the intonation, the listening, their way of being was just extraordinarily in line with what you needed,...

Why connection is so important: 7 ways to create connection
Why Connection Is So Important: 7 Ways To Create Connection Connection is vital to our development. Importantly, connection can help saves lives. A recent study states that loneliness can increase the risk of death by a whopping 26%. [bctt tweet="Loneliness can...

How To Find Your Inner Compass
How To Find Your Inner Compass I needed to l listen to my inner compass ... I was recently asked to prepare a video conferencing training session. It was on a subject I was passionate about, yet the more I thought about it and the closer the day drew near, I ended up...

Hygge: What, Why and How to be More Hygge
Hygge: What, Why and How to be More Hygge I was doing hygge, or was I hyggeing?... with one of my best friends today. We took my two shaggy, black dogs for a windy and chilly walk across the fields for a couple of hours. With muddied boots and the wind nipping at...

Top 3 Regrets of the Dying (from a hospice worker)
Top 3 Regrets of the Dying (from a hospice worker) “They’ve said Dad will only last one hour ….” Apparently I shouted an expletive down the line and threw down the phone. I was serving up lunch to my two very young children as I took the call, not expecting to hear...

16 Reflections For A Life With No Regrets
16 Reflections For A Life With No Regrets We are all so familiar with "should’ve, would’ve, could’ve …", but what about living a life with no regrets? As far as I’m humanly aware, my life and your life will end one day. For most of us we die once, but at some moment...

12 Ways To Stick To Your New Year’s Resolution
12 Ways To Stick To Your New Year's Resolution We’re here again - New Year's Resolution time! It’s that time of year when we wave goodbye to the end of one year and welcome in another, hopefully better, New Year. Over-indulgence, unachieved goals, flagging exercise...

12 Reasons Why Empath Entrepreneurs Are Successful
12 Reasons Why Empath Entrepreneurs Are Successful What makes successful empath entrepreneurs? As an empath you walk into a room and instinctively pick up on the energy. A person sits down next to you and you know, without them uttering a sound, that they're in a...

Are You An Empath? 13 Traits of Empaths
Are You An Empath? Have you wondered if you are an empath? Can you sense a person’s mood just by looking at them? Do you walk into a room and have an instinctive sense that something has happened? Have you ever been sat among a group of people and felt your energy...

The Nine Fruits Of The Soul And How To Incorporate Them Into Your Life
The Nine Fruits of the Soul and how to incorporate them into your life I recently heard a Reverend refer to one of the Nine Fruits of the Soul. It made me wonder what are the Nine Fruits and once I'd found out, it made me wonder how I could incorporate them into my...

17 Tips To Be A Successful Solopreneur
17 Tips To Be A Successful Solopreneur Would becoming a successful solopreneur answer many of your dreams? How many of you have spent years knowing deep down that you had a different calling, that your life was worth more to you than the career path you were...

15 reasons why walking in nature is your best health booster
15 reasons why walking in nature is your best health booster Imagine if a therapy existed that benefitted your mental health as well as your physical health, had no horrible side-effects, was readily available for you to start right now and was totally free of...

10 Principles to Living with Purpose and Making Life Count
Living with Purpose The art of living with purpose is something that many of us have challenged ourselves with since the beginning of human existence. What is your why? What is your life about? Are you living with purpose? Do you ever question the point of the...

How to Embrace Death to Embrace Life
How to Embrace Death to Embrace Life or most of us, we will all die once, most notably, for all of us we will die. So what does embrace death to embrace life mean? It means to wake up and smell the roses now, before it's too late and to live...