Coffee Enemas for Constipation

Coffee Enemas for Constipation
I tweeted an article a few days ago about the benefits of coffee enemas for constipation (link at the bottom of this page), and have just printed a copy to take to one of my patients in hospice who suffers from chronic (long-term) constipation as a result of the morphine she takes for pain management.
I see her for regular abdominal massage which helps to break down the compacted faeces, improves peristalsis, reduces pain and induces relaxation.
Coffee enemas for constipation
I hear often from patients that morphine leaves them with chronic constipation and despite trying out various remedies, they really struggle to make regular bowel movements, sometimes waiting for up to 10 days before they can empty their bowels.
Morphine slows down the rate of peristalsis leading to congestion, cramps, pain and nausea. Chronic and severe constipation can increase the risk of developing colo-rectal cancer due to the build up of toxic matter which is left to decay within the bowel. Chronic constipation also increases the risk of suffering a heart attack due to the bearing down while attempting a bowel movement.
Coffee enemas and cancer
For people with cancer it is recommended to perform coffee enemas up to 4 times a day. For a healthy individual, once a week is sufficient. It is important to remember that doing too many enemas will deplete the body of electrolytes and minerals. Once you begin to do coffee enemas more regularly you will gain an understanding of when your body tells you that an enema is necessary.
Coffee enema benefits
The main benefit of using coffee as part of your enema kit is thanks to its detoxifying properties which is what brings me to the main reason for writing this article today.
I met up with a friend last night for dinner and ate and drank more than I should have done. This morning when I woke up I felt lethargic and stodgy and also had a bit of a headache! So I decided to give myself a coffee enema to experience the benefits first hand.
Home enema
I aim to do a DIY enema once a month and I was well over-due this time round. Today is the first time I have added coffee to the enema fluid and I can testify to how well it has made me feel, both physically and mentally. The enema kit which I use costs a little under £10 and I rate it with 5 stars.
How to prepare the enema kit
To prepare the enema, use a 2-liter bottle of mineral water (tap water has too many contaminants). Use 250ml of the mineral water for the organic caffeinated coffee and leave to cool to body temperature. The coffee I use is below as it’s one I like to drink regularly too.
Heat up the remaining water to body temperature and combine with the coffee. Make sure to strain any grains or dust out of the coffee before adding it to the rest of the water. You will now have 2 liters of weak, caffeinated water.
Pour the liquid into the enema kit, attach the hose and valves. Suspend the enema bag to allow gravity to feed the fluid inside of you. Make sure the valve is in the “off” position before inserting the tip into your rectum. Once inserted, turn the valve to allow the fluid to begin to enter the rectum.
Doing the enema bit is relatively simple, although I have no idea how people manage to do yoga poses while they’re holding on to the liquid. It’s as much as I can do to take the two or three bum-clenching steps to the toilet.
I generally only manage to hold on to the fluid for about 10 minutes and then feel too much of an urge. Apparently with caffeine, it stimulates the bowel and can shorten the amount of time you hold the liquid in. I am right-handed and generally, I find it easiest to lie on my left side while inserting the enema tip with my right hand (add some oil to the end of it to help it glide inside). I stay on my left while the 2 liters of fluid disappear magically inside of me. Remember to reclose the valve once the fluid is inside of you.
After I’ve removed the tip and am holding on to the fluid I give myself an abdominal massage while laying on my back and then move on to the right side and continue to apply pressure around my abdomen.
How to give an abdominal massage to relieve constipation
Image of the large intestine (note the clockwise direction of the colon)
I must admit that the surge of relief I feel by getting to the toilet successfully is exponentially increased by the sensation of total clear-out. There is something incredibly satisfying and comforting about clearing out the bowel.
And it worked! After the coffee enema, I felt much lighter, brighter, more comfortable, had a spring in my step and even my headache vanished. So it would appear that coffee enemas not only help to detoxify the body, they also help to cure a hangover!
From now onwards I will be adding a detoxifying coffee enema to my weekly routine.
Leave a comment in the box below and let me know how you get on! Good luck!
Here is the article on Coffee Enema and Cancer