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Lemon-Roasted New Potatoes

Lemon-Roasted New Potatoes

Lemon-Roasted New Potatoes Lemon-roasted new potatoes are so simple to prepare and add a little something extra to the ever-popular spud. They make a delicious side-dish for many savoury meals.  They are a firm favourite with my rosemary chicken in bacon meal as the...
Very Berry Fool

Very Berry Fool

Refreshing, taste-bud-blitzing Very Berry Fool Whether you mix this up for breakfast, enjoy as a snack or as a healthy dessert, the Very Berry Fool will have your taste-buds dancing in celebration and your bum and tum thanking you for looking after them. Very Berry...
Homemade Granary Rolls

Homemade Granary Rolls

Homemade Granary Rolls While I was trying out a recipe for creating the best beef burger, I decided to bake my own homemade granary rolls.  I wasn’t disappointed. The homemade granary rolls were a perfect addition to a rocking beef burger recipe. They were easy...
Best Beef Burger

Best Beef Burger

Best Beef Burger Recipe I know this is a lofty claim to make, but I think I’ve found the best beef burger recipe.  It’s full of flavour, low on fat, holds its shape well and oozes juice when you take a bite into it.  What more could you expect from the...

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